# :globe_with_meridians: Mapping survey The Degrowth Support Group supports the development of a spatial survey of degrowth realities. The Ecobytes collective contributes design, mobilisation and engineering practice to counsel this process. --- # :globe_with_meridians: Mapping survey Here we scope details about 1. :busts_in_silhouette: Audiences 2. :books: Resources 3. :musical_score: Process --- # 1 :busts_in_silhouette: Audiences The audiences to listen to in asking their opinions and needs are: 1. Users 2. Curators 3. Maintainers ---- ## 1.1 :busts_in_silhouette: Users Users of the map want to: - quickly understand what it is about - add or edit information - see it on all devices ---- ## 1.2 :busts_in_silhouette: Curators Curators of the map want to: - contact the users, or be contacted by them - update the information over time - embed it into their websites ---- ## 1.3 :busts_in_silhouette: Maintainers Maintainers of the map want to: - reduce administrative overhead - develop with the latest available method - work with all audiences to maintain highest quality --- # 2 :books: Resources To gain expectable mobilisation of resources, we look at: 1. Allocation 2. Expenditure ---- ## 2.1 :books: Allocation What we can **budget** for are not only :euro: *monetary values*, but also :muscle: *voluntary commitments* and :factory: *commons infrastructure*. ---- ## 2.1 :books: Allocation Date | Allocation | Resource | Who | Description - | - | - | - | - 2018 - 2019 | 2.000,00 | :euro: | Support Group :arrow_right: Ecobytes | Development + Training ongoing | Intermapping | :muscle: | Ecobytes :arrow_right: process | Participation design ongoing | lab.allmende.io, apps.allmende.io, strix.ecobytes.net | :factory: | Ecobytes :arrow_right: infrastructure| Development + Production environment ---- ## 2.2 :books: Expenditure To equally care for the commitment of involved parties, we are keeping track of contributions and exchanges. ---- ## 2.2 :books: Expenditure Date | Expenditure | Resource | Description - | - | - | - 26.01.2019 | 1.000,00 | :euro: | map.degrowth.net 2018 - | :telephone::computer::sweat_drops::ok_hand: | :muscle: | coco ordination 2018 - | lab, apps, strix | :factory: | infrastructure --- # 3 :musical_score: Process We seek to shape an inclusive process that directly engages with all audiences. Therefore we strive for: 1. Accessibility 2. Accountability ---- ## 3.1 :musical_score: Accessibility In caring for how the process and its assetts are being perceived, we aim at a good *user, curator and maintainer experiences*. ---- ### User experience * map.degrowth.net * degrowth.info/en/map * degrowth.info/en/groups ---- ### Curator experience * :new: [Agora of Realities](https://agora.degrowth.net/c/realities) open communication for participatory inclusion of interested peers * [~~Survey form~~](https://degrowth.community/surveys/) ---- ### Maintainer experience * [degrowth / map](https://lab.allmende.io/degrowth/map/) Commons source code * [:mag: Boards · degrowth / map](https://lab.allmende.io/degrowth/map/boards) Kanban view of next, current and past developments * [degrowth / map.degrowth.net](https://lab.allmende.io/degrowth/map.degrowth.net/) ---- ## 3.2 :musical_score: Accountability To achieve an accountable process, we clearly distinguish ongoing phases and document thoroughly. - Next - Current - Previous ---- ### Next The next iteration of developments will respond to needs that ask for: - linkable full-screen view with editing capabilities - standards-compliant data schema - categorisation ---- ### Current The intermediary proposal to use the Degrowth Agora also for mapping had been grown from resource constraints. It offers: * [Realities Map - Degrowth Agora](https://agora.degrowth.net/c/realities/l/map) - Participatory editing - Desktop and Mobile view - OpenStreetMap base map and geocoding - *bonus* supports events ---- ### Previous The current example at map.degrowth.net, based on uMap, is in phase of transition to the current environment. * 09.11.2018 [:page_facing_up: Mapping Degrowth](https://pad.degrowth.net/s/mapping) * 20.06.2018, 17.07.2018, 19.07.2018 [:page_facing_up: Degrowth Movement Map](https://hack.allmende.io/s/degrowth-map#) [:link: data pipeline example](https://schoolofdata.org/methodology/) * 21.08.2018 [:checkered_flag: Published proof of concept of a network map · Milestones · degrowth / map](https://lab.allmende.io/degrowth/map/milestones/1) * 27.11.2017, 20.06.2018 [:page_facing_up: Degrowth survey/map of the international movement](https://hack.allmende.io/s/degrowth-survey-map#)