# :scroll: Conference platform The Degrowth Support Group supports the maintenance of a platform for the biannual degrowth conferences. The Ecobytes collective contributes design, mobilisation and engineering practice to counsel this process. --- # :scroll: Conference platform Here we scope details about 1. :busts_in_silhouette: Audiences 2. Resources 3. Process --- # 1 :busts_in_silhouette: Audiences To socially approach the process, we distinguish between three intentional groups: 1. Users 2. Curators 3. Maintainers ---- ## 1.1 :busts_in_silhouette: Users ---- ## 1.2 :busts_in_silhouette: Curators ---- ## 1.3 :busts_in_silhouette: Maintainers --- # 2 :books: Resources To gain expectable mobilisation of resources, we look at: 1. Allocation 2. Expenditure ---- ## 2.1 :books: Allocation What we can **budget** for are not only :euro: *monetary values*, but also :muscle: *voluntary commitments* and :factory: *commons infrastructure*. ---- ## 2.1 :books: Allocation Resource | Allocation | Description - | - | - :euro: | 4.000,00 | development :muscle: | Allmende | Process moderation + documentation :factory: | lab.allmende.io, apps.allmende.io, panda.ecobytes.net | development + production environment ---- ## 2.2 :books: Expenditure ---- ## 2.2 :books: Expenditure Resource | Date | Expenditure | Description - | - | - | - --- # 3 :musical_score: Process *skill and knowledge sharing* 1. Accessibility 2. Accountability ---- ## 3.1 :musical_score: Accessibility ---- ## 3.2 :musical_score: Accountability