# Integration test An integration test runs a test suite with sample data (fixtures) against a running instance of the API. This can be achieved with Rails internals, and mocked through curl bash scripts. - [ ] Turning this into a Rails integration test, based on - [Testing Rails Applications — Ruby on Rails Guides](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html#the-low-down-on-fixtures) - [ActiveRecord::FixtureSet](https://api.rubyonrails.org/v6.0.2.1/classes/ActiveRecord/FixtureSet.html) [TOC] # MVC ## Models :::info https://pad.degrowth.net/s/incommon-api-models ::: ## Routes * [x] addresses * [x] agents * [x] categories * [x] collections * [x] emails * [x] entities * [x] links * [x] locations * [x] maps * [x] phones * [x] places * [x] positions * [x] resources * [x] roles * [x] sections * [x] taxonomies * [x] things * [x] users ## Controllers * show `rg -U "def show\n" | rg .rb | cut -d_ -f1` * [x] addresses * [x] agents * [x] categories * [x] collections * [x] emails * [x] *entities* infers from ResourcesController * [x] links * [x] locations * [x] maps * [x] phones * [x] places * [x] positions * [x] resources * [x] roles * [x] sections * [x] taxonomies * [x] things * [x] users * create `rg -U "def create\n" | rg .rb | cut -d_ -f1` * [x] addresses * [x] **agents** * [x] categories * [x] collections * [x] **emails** * [ ] ~~*entities* infer from *resources*~~ * [x] links * [x] locations * [x] maps * [x] **phones** * [x] *places* infer from *resources* * [x] positions * [ ] ~~*resources*~~ * [x] **roles** * [x] sections * [x] taxonomies * [x] *things* infer from *resources * [x] **users** * update `rg -U "def update\n" | rg .rb | cut -d_ -f1` * [ ] addresses * [x] agents * [ ] categories * [ ] collections * [ ] emails * [ ] ~~entities~~ * [ ] links * [ ] locations * [ ] maps * [ ] phones * [ ] places * [ ] positions * [ ] ~~resources~~ * [ ] roles * [ ] sections * [ ] taxonomies * [ ] things * [ ] users * destroy `rg -U "def destroy\n" | rg .rb | cut -d_ -f1` * [ ] addresses * [ ] ~~agents~~ https://framagit.org/incommon.cc/incommon-api/merge_requests/8#note_540379 * [ ] categories * [ ] collections * [ ] emails * [ ] ~~entities~~ * [ ] links * [ ] locations * [ ] maps * [ ] phones * [ ] places * [ ] positions * [ ] ~~resources~~ * [ ] roles * [ ] sections * [ ] taxonomies * [ ] things * [ ] users # CRUD Actions ## controller actions of HTTP verbs [🛤 Routes](http://localhost:3000/rails/info/routes) ### Verbs Verb | Action - | - GET | #index POST | #create   |   GET | #show PATCH | #update PUT | #update DELETE | #destroy ## Delete ## Update ## Read :::success implemented ::: ## Create No *entities* and *resources* neccessary. ### ☑ Thing ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "Test thing", "summary": "Let loose in the world, it seeks meaning.", "email": "thing@manyworlds.com", "uri": "https://manyworlds.com", "visible": true } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -d '{"name":"Test thing","summary":"Let loose in the world, it seeks meaning.","email":"thing@manyworlds.com","uri":"https://manyworlds.com","visible":true}' -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:3000/things?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"Fifth thing for testing","summary":"Yet yet another test of some kind.","email":"thing@world.com","uri":"http://world.com","visible":true}' http://localhost:3000/things?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | fx ``` ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"7th thing for testing","summary":"Yet yet another test of some kind.","email":"thing@world.com","uri":"http://world.com","visible":true,"uuid":"b02b0def-62aa-49a1-96c6-41331a3098b9"}' http://localhost:3000/things?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "7a4e84d1-5136-4bf3-b315-79da0960ba21", "type": "things", "attributes": { "name": "Test thing", "summary": "Let loose in the world,it seeks meaning.", "description": null, "main_address": null, "main_email": "thing@manyworlds.com", "main_link": "https://manyworlds.com", "main_phone": null, "type": "Thing", "uuid": "7a4e84d1-5136-4bf3-b315-79da0960ba21", "visible": true, "created_at": "2020-02-27T15:21:16.456Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-27T15:21:16.456Z" }, "relationships": { "agent": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "locations": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "addresses": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "emails": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "links": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "phones": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "collections": { "meta": { "included": false } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/resources/7a4e84d1-5136-4bf3-b315-79da0960ba21" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Place ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "Circus Homo Novus", "address": "Adamߴs Route 42, Laniakea", "description": "We come from nothing, we go back to nothing.\nWhat have you lost?\n\nNothing!", "email": "i@chn.io", "uri": "https://chn.io" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"Circus Homo Novus","address":{"street":"Adamߴs Route 42","country":"DE","region":"Laniakea"},"description":"We come from nothing, we go back to nothing.\nWhat have you lost?\n\nNothing\!","phone":"+491753211525","email":"i@chn.io","uri":"https://chn.io","visible":true}' http://localhost:3000/places?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "94ac421e-1f94-47ad-8045-83a89759e8b5", "type": "places", "attributes": { "name": "Circus Homo Novus", "summary": null, "description": "We come from nothing, we go back to nothing.\nWhat have you lost?\n\nNothing!", "main_address": { "id": 3022, "street": "Adamߴs Route 42", "pobox": null, "postal_code": null, "locality": null, "region": "Laniakea", "country": "DE", "created_at": "2020-02-28T00:09:15.691Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-28T00:09:15.691Z" }, "main_email": "i@chn.io", "main_link": "https://chn.io", "main_phone": "+49 175 3211 525", "type": "Place", "uuid": "94ac421e-1f94-47ad-8045-83a89759e8b5", "visible": true, "created_at": "2020-02-28T00:09:41.567Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-28T00:09:41.567Z" }, "relationships": { "agent": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "locations": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "addresses": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "emails": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "links": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "phones": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "collections": { "meta": { "included": false } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/places/94ac421e-1f94-47ad-8045-83a89759e8b5" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Link ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "uri":"http://federated.wiki" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"uri":"http://federated.wiki"}' http://localhost:3000/links?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | fx ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/links/3219?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "3219", "type": "links", "attributes": { "uri": "http://federated.wiki", "secure": false, "not_found": false, "cert_error": false, "server_error": false, "created_at": "2020-02-19T11:19:50.105Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-19T11:19:50.105Z" }, "relationships": { "agents": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "resource_links": { "meta": { "included": false } } }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Phone ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "number":"+491753211525" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"number":"+491753211525"}' http://localhost:3000/phones?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | fx ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/phones/2150?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "2050", "type": "phones", "attributes": { "number": "+491753211525", "failing": false, "created_at": "2020-02-19T11:47:50.516Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-19T11:47:50.516Z" }, "relationships": { "resource_phones": { "meta": { "resources_count": 0, "entities_count": 0, "places_count": 0, "services_count": 0, "things_count": 0 } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/phones/2050" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Email ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "address":"yala@allmende.io" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"address":"yala@allmende.io"}' http://localhost:3000/emails?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | fx ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/emails/1262?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "1262", "type": "emails", "attributes": { "address": "ad34a18e88b8641abb52887a530ccbd0154da1e120b271b36f553bdbe4d174e0", "bouncing": false, "failing": false, "created_at": "2020-02-19T12:08:56.667Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-19T12:08:56.667Z" }, "relationships": { "resource_emails": { "meta": { "resources_count": 0, "entities_count": 0, "places_count": 0, "services_count": 0, "things_count": 0 } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/emails/1262" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Map ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "zoom": 12, "agent_id": 12132, "collection_id": 16, "position_id": 8234, "taxonomy_id": 27 } ``` ##### Request ```bash= curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"zoom":12,"agent_id":12132,"collection_id":16,"position_id":8234,"taxonomy_id":27}' http://localhost:3000/maps?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000//maps/c6289739-1179-457c-ab09-3aefab9a0d19?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "c6289739-1179-457c-ab09-3aefab9a0d19", "type": "maps", "attributes": { "id": 2, "zoom": 12, "center": { "longitude": 4.3510466, "latitude": 50.8378565 } }, "relationships": { "collection": { "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/collections/16" }, "meta": { "resource_count": 0 } }, "position": { "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/positions/8234" } }, "taxonomy": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "resources": { "meta": { "included": false } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/maps/c6289739-1179-457c-ab09-3aefab9a0d19" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Location ##### Fixture ```javascript= { locatable_id: 12155, position_id: 8234 } ``` ##### Request ```bash= curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"locatable_id":12155,"position_id":8234}' http://localhost:3000/locations?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "12042", "type": "locations", "attributes": { "locatable_type": "Resource", "locatable_id": 12155, "position_id": 8234, "created_at": "2020-03-03T03:29:47.604Z", "updated_at": "2020-03-03T03:29:47.604Z" }, "relationships": { "locatable": { "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/resources/2cc316a8-95b1-4635-9979-f93a0e03033e" } }, "position": { "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/positions/8234" } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/locations/12042" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Position ##### Fixture adapted from PositionFabricator ```javascript= { "elevation": 9.99, "geo_type": "Point", "geometry": "POINT (4.3510466 50.8378565)", "latitude": 50.8378565, "longitude": 4.3510466 } ``` ##### Request ```bash= curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"elevation": 9.99,"geo_type": "Point","geometry":"POINT (4.3510466 50.8378565)","latitude":50.8378565,"longitude":4.3510466}' http://localhost:3000/positions?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/positions/8234?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "8234", "type": "positions", "attributes": { "box": null, "elevation": "9.99", "geo_type": "Point", "geometry": "POINT (4.3510466 50.8378565)", "latitude": "50.8378565", "longitude": "4.3510466", "radius": null, "created_at": "2020-03-03T00:45:43.810Z", "updated_at": "2020-03-03T00:45:43.810Z" }, "relationships": { "locations": { "meta": { "included": false } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/positions/8234" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Collection ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "Test collection", "agent_id": "12132", "summary": "This cannot exceed 160 chars.", "description": "This is a test description that might reach up to 8 kilobytes." } ``` :::info `agent_id` does not read the publicly exposed UUIDs, but database internal `id`s ::: ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Test collection","agent_id":"12132","summary": "This cannot exceed 160 chars.","description": "This is a test description that might reach up to 8 kilobytes."}' http://localhost:3000/collections?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | fx ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/collections/16?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "16", "type": "collections", "attributes": { "name": "Test collection", "summary": "This cannot exceed 160 chars.", "description": "This is a test description that might reach up to 8 kilobytes.", "created_at": "2020-02-19T10:38:02.176Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-19T10:38:02.176Z" }, "relationships": { "agent": { "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/agents/4734e387-a43a-45a6-b34f-13423da995a4" } }, "maps": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "resource_collections": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "resources": { "meta": { "resource_count": 0 } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/collections/16" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Role ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "user_id":"-1", "agent_id":"-1", "roles":8 } ``` ##### Request ```bash= curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"user_id":"-1","agent_id":"-1","roles":8}' http://localhost:3000/roles?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response ```javascript= ``` ### ☑ User ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "username": "test user", "password": "very strong password" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"username":"test user","password":"very strong password"}' http://localhost:3000/users?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response ```javascript= ``` ### ☑ Section ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "Section 1", "category_id": 21, "summary": "Test section for test category" } ``` ```javascript= { "name": "Section 2", "category_id": 21, "summary": "Another test section for the same test category" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Section 1","category_id": 21,"summary": "Test section for test category"}' http://localhost:3000/sections?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Section 2","category_id": 21,"summary": "Another test section for the same test category"}' http://localhost:3000/sections?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/sections/113?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "113", "type": "sections", "attributes": { "name": "Section 1", "summary": "Test section for test 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"http://api.example.net/sections/114" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Taxonomy Depends on: - Agent ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "test taxonomy", "agent_id": 12132, "summary": "Tests the Taxonomy API", "description": "This tests the functionality of the taxonomies/ route of the IN COMMON API." } ``` ```javascript= { "name": "test taxonomy", "agent_id": 12132, "summary": "Tests the Taxonomy API", "description": "This tests the functionality of the taxonomies/ route of the IN COMMON API.", "uuid": "80e7a209-f8af-4ea6-a62d-e30013c8e278" } ``` ##### Requests ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"test taxonomy","agent_id": 12132,"summary": "Tests the Taxonomy API","description":"This tests the functionality of the taxonomies/ route of the IN COMMON API."}' http://localhost:3000/taxonomies?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"test taxonomy","agent_id": 12132,"summary": "Tests the Taxonomy API","description":"This tests the functionality of the taxonomies/ route of the IN COMMON API.","uuid":"80e7a209-f8af-4ea6-a62d-e30013c8e278"}' http://localhost:3000/taxonomies?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/taxonomies/80e7a209-f8af-4ea6-a62d-e30013c8e278?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "80e7a209-f8af-4ea6-a62d-e30013c8e278", "type": "taxonomies", "attributes": { "name": "test taxonomy", "summary": "Tests the Taxonomy API", "description": "This tests the functionality of the taxonomies/ route of the IN COMMON API.", "created_at": "2020-02-10T18:52:30.487Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-10T18:52:30.487Z" }, "relationships": { "agent": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "categories": { "meta": { "count": 1 } }, "sections": { "meta": { "included": false } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/taxonomies/80e7a209-f8af-4ea6-a62d-e30013c8e278" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "links": { "agent": "http://localhost:3000/agents/4734e387-a43a-45a6-b34f-13423da995a4" }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` - [ ] include links to `categories` and `sections` ### ☑ Category Depends on - Taxonomy - [ ] Should these also receive and read UUIDs? - [ ] reveal links? to - `taxonomies` - `sections` ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "test category", "taxonomy_id": 27, "summary": "tests the API", "description": "This tests the functionality of the categories/ route of the IN COMMON API.", "color": "#8A2BE2" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"test category","taxonomy_id": 27,"summary": "tests the API","description":"This tests the functionality of the categories/ route of the IN COMMON API.","color":"#8A2BE2"}' http://localhost:3000/categories?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/categories/21?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "21", "type": "categories", "attributes": { "name": "test category", "summary": "tests the API", "description": "This tests the functionality of the categories/ route of the IN COMMON API.", "color": null, "created_at": "2020-02-10T18:57:45.850Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-10T18:57:45.850Z" }, "relationships": { "taxonomy": { "meta": { "included": false } }, "sections": { "meta": { "count": 0 } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/categories/21" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Address - https://getfakedata.com/address/de_DE - https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/gen-male-gr-gr.php - [ ] Should these also receive and read UUIDs? - [ ] reveal links? to - `resources` - `entities` - `places` - `services` - `things` ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "street": "Fuhrmannstr. 60", "postal_code": "52302", "locality": "Torgau", "country": "DE" } ``` ```javascript= { "street": "8, impasse de Deschamps", "postal_code": "07185", "locality": "Couturiernec", "country": "FR" } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"street":"Fuhrmannstr. 60","postal_code": "52302","locality":"Torgau","country":"DE"}' http://localhost:3000/addresses?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | fx ``` ```bash curl -sL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"street":"8, impasse de Deschamps","postal_code": "07185","locality":"Couturiernec","country":"FR"}' http://localhost:3000/addresses?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b | jq ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/addresses/3015?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "3015", "type": "addresses", "attributes": { "street": "Fuhrmannstr. 60", "pobox": null, "postal_code": "52302", "locality": "Torgau", "region": null, "country": "DE", "created_at": "2020-02-10T17:47:05.491Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-10T17:47:05.491Z" }, "relationships": { "resource_addresses": { "meta": { "resources_count": 0, "entities_count": 0, "places_count": 0, "services_count": 0, "things_count": 0 } } }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN 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{ "version": "1.0" } } ``` ### ☑ Agent It turns out it was implemented via AgentCreator in the import scripts, but not yet exposed to the JSONAPI. - [ ] Have it use encrypted `email` fields? ##### Fixture ```javascript= { "name": "yala", "email": "yala@allmende.io", "uri": "https://almereyda.de", "email_validated": true, "uri_is_origin": true, "visible": true } ``` ##### Request ```bash curl -siL -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "yala", "email": "yala@allmende.io", "uri": "https://almereyda.de", "email_validated": true, "uri_is_origin": true, "visible": true}' http://localhost:3000/agents?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ``` ##### Response http://localhost:3000/agents/4734e387-a43a-45a6-b34f-13423da995a4?api_key=23d8009f-f2ec-44b6-bcbe-58ad1d3af10b ```javascript= { "data": { "id": "4734e387-a43a-45a6-b34f-13423da995a4", "type": "agents", "attributes": { "name": "yala", "summary": null, "description": null, "email": "yala@allmende.io", "uri": "https://almereyda.de", "type": "Agent", "uuid": "4734e387-a43a-45a6-b34f-13423da995a4", "visible": true, "created_at": "2020-01-13T20:40:57.593Z", "updated_at": "2020-01-13T20:40:57.593Z" }, "relationships": { "roles": { "meta": { "editor_count": 0, "maintainer_count": 0, "leader_count": 0, "observer_count": 0 } } }, "links": { "self": "http://api.example.net/agents/4734e387-a43a-45a6-b34f-13423da995a4" }, "meta": { "current": { "agent_name": "IN COMMON Agent", "agent_uuid": "7218b579-a1b4-4318-9fa8-e8dbff2a61c0", "user_uuid": "6c8be57b-5730-428d-bdf2-ff9bcb37d7fd", "restricted": true, "anonymous": true, "locale": "en" } } }, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" } } ```