# Degrowth Netherlands > networking facilities - ~~https://talky.io/degrowth.netherlands~~ - https://jitsi.riot.im/degrowthnetherlands [TOC] # 22.03.2019 ## Subjects ## introductions Olga / Jon ## update on progress Ontgroei - website up & running - 1st article online - social media up & running - twitter & facebook - regarding website running into limits of capabilities ## contact / help for website development - who can help us? - weho.st - disroot.org ## Website wish list - multi-language support - forum -> agora - contact form linked to our email - Drop down menu / TOC per page? - Comments under articles/posts - Hosting files (Degrowth books/publications) - Fold out /collapsible questions for FAQ - Increase menu size (make bold/make a bit larger) - Team / author page (like Nubia - Aspire themes) - Tags page for posts (like Nubia - Aspire themes) - http://nubia.aspirethemes.com/authors/ - http://nubia.aspirethemes.com/tags/ ## view on social media ## open source event registration (Ana) # 22.02.2019 ## subjects - degrowth.net - ontgroei.degrowth.net - Website content - Website pages - Social media - Website technical issues - Other questions ## Site generation - Damn simple - Theming rather in the code than WYSIWIG site builder ## Objective Reach a broad audience to introduce the Dutch society Create a community to get people involved Being informative for people to get to know the topic - in-depth introduction - simplified presentation - a calendar + things that people can do themselves ## Examples - https://neweconomics.org overall site structure - https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com static website - https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/power.html - https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/about.html - https://degrowth.se/ Squarespace - https://www.degrowth.info/ Portal site with blog, media library ## Functional requirements - be self reliant e.g. Squarespace, Weebly - Video introduction - Blog with articles in different categories - Summarise scientific literature in accessible language - Degrowth practices, how to implement, and what initiatives there are - FAQ - Calendar - Contact form ## Technical requirements - Magazine theme - Media library - Portal site ## Next up - [ ] `ghost-cli` - [ ] Teaming up - Editorial - ICT - mid- to long-term: Dutch coders - weho.st - disroot.org - [ ] Video production - [ ] long-term site maintenance - funds / donation through the foundation - Netherlands 2021 - workshops - [ ] alternatives to Ghost and WordPress easy to use interface, meets technical requirements - grav - lektor - Hugo + CI/CD + Netlify-CMS - [ ] Design - frontpage similar to neweconomics - menu - video - few blog articles (conversations) - contact information - legal - [ ] sketch target *audiences* - public - academics - ... - [ ] legal requirements towards the website? - Proposal for next meeting after 27th meeting of editorial group # 05.02.2019 ## Introduction and attendance - Ana - Ties - Jon - Laurens ## Questions 1. What is Ecobytes, and how is it related to the Degrowth Movement? 2. How can a web presence for the dutch degrowth society/network come about? 3. How can we use the degrowth cloud? ## Attempts to answer ### 1 *storytelling* ### 2 #### defining the problem space - in dutch - address? - research and things to read - "facilitate movement" - calender for events - forum to discuss so that people can talk to each other, to avoid too many emails coming in #### approach the solution space - WordPress? - Ghost instead? https://blog.ghost.org/2-0/ - it also has themes! - e.g. - https://housing.degrowth.net/ - https://candecreix.degrowth.net/ - a new, blank one looks like https://arts.degrowth.net/ - ontgroei.nl - mijndomein - [ ] create example blog at ontgroei.degrowth.net to have a look at the admin interface https://lab.allmende.io/degrowth/degrowth.net/issues/31 - escrow via Ecobytes possible :smile: - use agora for calendar and discussion, and only display them - content structure is elaborated on 06.02.2019 and following ### 3 Using the cloud The cloud is based on Nextcloud. - https://cloud.degrowth.net/ #### Adding new users Group administration for *Netherlands* should be possible at: - https://cloud.degrowth.net/settings/users Username | Email - | - Laurens | laurensvanderwal@gmail.com Ties | ties@posteo.nl #### Desktop and mobile clients https://nextcloud.com/clients/ #### Other cloud services Additionally there are other services possible: - https://agora.degrowth.net/ - https://chat.degrowth.net/#/room/#welcome:degrowth.net - based on about.riot.im - https://pad.degrowth.net/ # Donations They can go to: - https://ecobytes.net/donate