# 2020 themes ## 21.12.2019 1. Urban and spatial planning 2. Materials, Energy, Waste and Climate 3. Communication, Education and Pedagogy 4. Feminism 5. Green New Deal 6. Law, Governance, Policy and Politics 7. Alternative livelihoods, well-being and ways of living 8. Alternative economies 9. Transitions / Designs for the future 10. Rural/agriculture/food 11. Arts 12. Activist 13. Organisation and Business 14. Theoretical perspectives ## 5.12.2019 - the economy beyond states and markets - the future of employment, work and care - debates on degrowth, green growth, the circular economy, and decoupling - the democratisation of the economy and alternative models and forms of organisation - the production and conservation of energy - low carbon and low energy futures - forms of decommodification and non-capitalist modes of resource allocation - commoning resources - money, debt and the financial system - financing the (transition to a) post-growth society “ - monetary and non-monetary measures of prosperity and well-being - a universal basic income or universal basic services - the green new deal - the decentralisation of power - decolonization and feminist economics as challenges to power - post- growth policy-making, law and governance - how to respond to the ethno-nationalist environmentalism and anti-environmentalism of ascendant populist groups - the politics of transitions to sustainability and the lessons to be learned from past socio-economic and cultural transformation - spatial issues: planning, housing and the future of cities - diversity: class, race, gender, abilities - Sustainable Development Goals - conflict resolution processes and socio-ecological transformations - biodiversity, ecosystem services, and sustainable livelihoods - social metabolism - political economy and ecological economics/degrowth - sustainable livelihoods and ecological sufficiency - languages of valuation and ecological conflicts - extractivism, environmental justice and illicit activities - social ecological economics - production and consumption - slow science and degrowth of publication economy - strategies for degrowth transformation: lessons from the Vienna conference