# Addressing [TOC] ## Addressing via UUIDs - https://pawelurbanek.com/uuid-order-rails - https://andycroll.com/ruby/choose-uuids-for-model-ids-in-rails/ - https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_postgresql.html#uuid-primary-keys From `config/routes.rb` we learn high-level routes: these can be called with UUID - [x] Agents - [ ] Collections - [ ] Roles - [x] Maps - [ ] Position - [x] Resources (and Entities, Places, Services, Things) - [ ] Locations - [ ] Resource* - [x] Taxonomies - [ ] Categories - [ ] Sections - [x] Users Changes to this need migrations to introduce a `uuid` column. present (`grep :uuid`), defined (`uuid:`) and used (`uuid`) - app - lib - models - agent - entity* - map - place* - resource - service* - taxonomy - thing* - user - controllers - api - agents - maps - resources - taxonomies - users - serializables - agent - map - resource - role - user - services - taxonomy - policies - resource - user - config - routes - database - structure - migrations - spec - fabricators - agent - map - resource - taxonomy - user - models - map - resource - taxonomy - user - requests - addresses - routing - documentation - diagrams